Live the Artezen Life.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ― Pablo Picasso
"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing." - Marc Chagall.
There's value in pouring your heart out. It leads to honest expression. And honest expression unburdens the
mind leading to mental fitness. That is why every Artezen Art Fitness Workshop works on the principle of letting the heart drive vs. the head. The smiles and expressions of our participants says it all. Take a peek.
65% of the workforce claims work is a significant source of stress. Companies spend billions on absenteeism due to stress. Our workshops are designed to proactively lower stress and refresh, thus leading to increased productivity.
Research shows that when Art accompanies medicine, ailments are treated faster. Our team of artists and psychologists are here to team with doctors to custom create programs that can expedite patient recoveries.
Over half of Gen Z is diagnosed with mental illness and Millennials are drowning in depression. We can lower this statistic and help the world lead a mentally fit and sustainable life by bringing Art to your everyday routine.